Over the past 18 months, the world has changed more than anyone could have predicted.

The Covid-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill, shutting businesses, schools, offices and shopping malls, and confining millions to their homes for long periods of time.

While many saw their incomes dwindle or lost their jobs altogether, others boosted their savings as movement restrictions prevented them from spending.

Now, as the world slowly emerges from the pandemic, we have all benefited in some way from the extra time the pandemic gave us.

Our busy lives stopped almost overnight and we were given a unique opportunity to reflect on how we lived our lives – which extended to how we spend our money.

So, what has the pandemic taught us all about our personal finances? And what can we do, going forward, to ensure we have a better relationship with money?

Co-hosts Alice Haine and Felicity Glover discuss the money lessons they have learnt during the pandemic and whether or not they will continue with their new financial habits.

Hosted by Alice Haine

Produced by Arthur Eddyson

Listen to last week’s episode on why a four-day working week is unlikely to succeed in the UAE:

Source- The National News-Sep, 7th,2021