In today’s fast-paced world, managing personal finances can be quite challenging. The ever-increasing cost of living and unforeseen expenses can quickly lead to financial strain, resulting in debt accumulation. To address this issue, At Global Debt Restructuring Services, we offer a variety of debt management solutions in the UAE that are tailored to help both individuals and businesses regain their financial stability.

Who We Are

Loan Settlement Agency

A Loan Settlement Agency helps individuals and businesses negotiate and settle their outstanding loans for less than the total amount owed. Our loan settlement agency works with creditors to obtain a reduced payment amount that is more affordable for our clients.

Benefits of Our Loan Settlement Services

  • Reduced overall debt amount
  • One monthly payment instead of multiple payments
  • Lower interest rates
  • The potential to avoid bankruptcy

Debt Restructuring Company

Debt Restructuring Companies
Debt Restructuring Companies

Debt Restructuring Companies help individuals and businesses restructure their debt to make it more manageable. At Global Debt Rescheduling Services, we work with our clients to develop a personalized repayment plan that fits their budget. 

Benefits of Our Debt Restructuring Services


  • Improved cash flow
  • Improved credit score
  • Reduced interest rates
  • Reduced monthly payments
  • Extended payment terms
  • Simplified debt management
  • Customized debt restructuring plans

Types of Our Products and Services


1) Debt Settlement Services: Our debt settlement services can help you negotiate and settle your outstanding loans for less than the total amount owed.


2) Debt Restructuring Services: Our debt restructuring services can help you restructure your debt to make it more manageable and create a personalized repayment plan.


3) Credit Counseling Services: Our credit counseling services provide you with the tools and resources you need to manage your finances effectively and improve your credit score.


4) Bankruptcy Alternatives: Our bankruptcy alternatives can help you avoid bankruptcy and address your financial issues in a more effective and sustainable way.

Why Choose us


~ We offer personalized debt management solutions tailored to your needs.


~ Our team of experts has years of experience in the field and can negotiate with creditors on your behalf.


~ We work with creditors to reduce your overall debt amount and make your payments more manageable.


~ Our debt management solutions can help you avoid bankruptcy and improve your credit score.


~ We provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the debt management process.


At Global Debt Restructuring Services, we understand the financial challenges that individuals and businesses face, and we are committed to helping them achieve financial freedom. Our debt management solutions are tailored to your needs, and our team of experts will work with you every step of the way to negotiate with creditors and develop a personalized repayment plan. Whether you need debt settlement, debt restructuring, credit counseling, or bankruptcy alternatives, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and how we can help you achieve financial freedom.